Couldn't tell you.
I have never really been a fan of ridicule or laughter at another's expense, nor am I a fan of magnifying mistakes. Yes, they happen. Yes, we are all human. Yes, it is normal to fall on your face in the middle of West Green, crushing your rather messy Grab 'n' Go beneath you. Not that I'm speaking from experience or anything...
Yet here I am, blogging about mistakes and misfortunes. Let me be clear: What I write on here is not meant to be a personal attack on any specific person.
Brick Tripper is an opinionated analysis of general slip-ups and trip-ups in the Athens community. Most of the post topics will be local, but that's where this blog gets interesting.
I'd like to take a critical look at the mistakes I get my hands on and apply them in such a way that the lesson and message become universal. Because of course, the sharing and understanding of experience and knowledge is crucial to living your life.

(This picture was taken in my room, by the way.
Brick walls? How appropriate.)
Sometimes, mistakes have a significant ripple effect, spreading to a pool of related people. I would like to think of Brick Tripper as an outlet through which everyone, including myself, is able to laugh at some blunders, understand the result and take that knowledge away to learn and grow. Think of Brick Tripper as a source of entertainment that is beyond skin-deep.
With that in mind, read, enjoy and please feel free to leave comments with other slip-ups you've witnessed, or just comments in general.